Day #20 - 40 Days of Training Videos - The Truth About Planking

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2017

Why plank?

Is it right for me?

These are great questions. In this video I cover the purpose of planking, which is to stablize the spine through movement, especially rotation and resisting rotation and to transmit power to the arms and legs.

Being able to stablize our spine through movement is the best thing we can do to prevent injury and improve performance.

Here's a few facts to explain why this is so important:

  1. In the US, over 1 million people injure their back at work each year. (This doesn't include how many more back injuries happen at home. )
  2. Back injuries are the most common reason for missing work, after the common cold. (2)
  3. Low back injury is the single leading cause for disability world wide. (3)

Let's face it the ability to move is directly related to how we train our bodies. If we don't train to move well, we lose that ability and become one of the statistics.

In the video I demonstrate several ways to train your core through planking – Where to start and how to progress.


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